Vanilla Pound Cake


 “a sweet-smelling aroma,… well pleasing to God” (Philippians 4:18).

                                       Vanilla pound cake

As much as it tastes good and melts in it mouth, I pray that the goodness of God's love and His mercy melt your heart and give new flavor to your life.

Preparation Method: don't forget to make it with passion, fill it with love, mix it with zestfulness and top it with fondness. ~maryse


A quarter cup (150 grams) of flour and a pinch of salt

A quarter cup (150 grams) of sugar

3 eggs, at room temperature

A quarter cup (170 grams) of room-temperature butter

2 teaspoons vanilla

A small spoon of baking powder

3 tablespoons (40 ml) of milk


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